Bollywood couple Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan has planned to name their three-months-old daughter ‘Beti B’ once her grandfather, veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan gets back to normal. The ailing actor is having a tough time battling with abdominal pain due to which he underwent two stomach surgeries. From past 10 days the 69-year-old actor is resting at Mumbai's Seven Hills Hospital.
Initially, the megastar was about to get discharged within a day after his surgery. Later, after discovering an acute pain in his abdomen yet again, doctors recommended the actor to extend his stay in the hospital.
Apparently, the yesteryear actor was about to undergo another surgery but later the surgery was cancelled as Big B showed the signs of recovery. However, Sr. Bachchan has now expressed a desire to have a naming ceremony of Beti B once he arrives back at home.
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