Bollywood glitterati Kareena Kapoor has apparently said to have a big 'NO' to further action films. Kareena has recently shot a action packed spy thriller under her beau Saif Ali Khan's production house. Apparently, the leggie beauty had done some stunts and action scenes for her upcoming flick. Bebo who finds the genre of action quite boring admitted that she won't be doing any further films that would have action in them.
Bebo likes romantic flicks and addresses them as her favorite genre of movies. Bebo also did a romantic comedy flick opposite Imran Khan 'Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu' which is slated for a Valentine release. Bebo is busy promoting both her flicks as 'Agent Vinod' is to release by March 23 and 'Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu' by February 10.
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