It seems Bollywood actor Bipasha Basu is having high hopes with her forthcoming flick 'Jodi Breakers' as the dusky beauty claims to play the real Bipasha in the romantic-comedy. Bipasha in her recent media interaction revealed that in her decade year long career, she has never played a refreshing role like the one she plays in 'Jodi Breakers'.
Meanwhile, Bipasha is also happy on sharing screen space with South star Madhavan for the very first time. The on-screen couple had hit well on and off
sets of their film and has now become close buddies. Apparently, Madhavan recently admitted that it was a privilege to work with Bipasha. Maddy has also promised Bips to find a perfect groom for her after she requested him to do so.
The film 'Jodi Breakers' is a wicked rom-com directed by Ashwini Chaudhary and is about to hit the theatres by February 24.
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