Actor turned filmmaker Pooja Bhatt has recently acquired rights of the book ‘The Last Salute’ written by Journalist Muntazer Al Zaidi. Zaidi is the same man who sparked off a controversy by throwing a shoe on former United States President George Bush. Apparently, the subject has caught the attention of the filmmaker and she plans to make a movie in the Arabic language.
This would be Bhatt’s first Arabic movie from their production house. Pooja is now
keen on signing Arab actors for her forthcoming flick. When the actor was enquired about the Hindi version of the film, she refused to divulge any further details. Rumor has it that Pooja got inspiration to make this movie after watching Sandiip Kapur and Bhushan Sharma‘s play which was based on a similar theme. Currently, Pooja is busy with her upcoming erotic thriller ‘Jism 2’ which would go on the floors by March.
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