Filmmaker Nagesh Kukonoor who is known for making off-beat films is now diverting his attention on B-town’s big superstars and aspires to do at least one film with one of them. The filmmaker has made several movies like ‘Dor’, ‘Rockford’, and ’Hyderabad Blues’, ‘Iqbal’ that have won critical acclamations. The filmmaker is now having an urge to taste commercial success and plans to make a movie with A-list actors of Bollywood. Till date Nagesh has worked with Shreyas Talpade, John Abraham, Ayesha Takia, Gul Panag and Naseeruddin Shah.
Nagesh feels that the films he made earlier never needed any big star in it. Nagesh loves to experiment with different genres of movies. Nagesh loves to make different movies and his all movies have proved his versatility as a director.
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