The mega film in the history of Kannada cinema with nearly Rs.30 crores of investment by the time it appears on silver screen the historical film ‘Krantiveera Sangolli Rayanna’ starring challenging star Darshan, Nikitha Tukral and 30 well known artists in the direction of successful director Naganna has completes shoot on Friday.
It is such a coincidence that the film release is on Friday and completion of shooting also on Friday says director Naganna who has put maximum efforts for the film with Keshavaditya dialogues and screenplay.
Anand Appugol the business tycoon in Belgaum who is ardent fan of warrior during the Kittur Chennamma dynasty.
The victory song and other portions for this challenging star Darshan, Nikitha Tukral, Dr Jayaprada, Umasri, Shashikumar, Srinivasamurthy,Shobaraj, Doddanna, CR Simha,Ramesh Bhat, Shivakumar, Dharma, Saurav, Sathyajith, Sadashiva Brahmavar, Karibasavaiah, Killer Venkatesh, Aravind, Biradar, Rajesh, Vijayasarathy and other starring was shot at Gokak,Mandhagad, Googihalli, Murugod, Godachennamalli, Badami, Pattadkal, Aihole and other surroundings.
For the research of director Naganna, Keshava Aditya has written the screenplay and dialogues for the film. Yashovardhan has scored the music. Ramesh Babu is the cameraman. Lakshmikanth and Devaraj Palan are co directors for the film. Chinni Prakash and Shivashanker are the choreographers of the film.
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