It has been couple of months that Aishwarya Rai Bachchan gave birth to her and Abhishek Bachchan’s first child in the form of a baby girl. However the Bachchan clan didn’t name the newest Bachchan as they are yet to decide a perfect name for the newborn. While they have been calling her ‘Beti B’, Abhishek recently had revealed that they intend to give a name that starts with ‘A’.
However Abhishek claimed that in coming days the family will hold a lavish ceremony to name ‘Beti B’. Reportedly the Bachchans were waiting for the ‘Kharwas’ period to end which according to them is unlucky. The period ends on January 15th and the star family will then bestow the daughter with an apt name via grand ceremony. He refused the offer to share some final names that they have been discussing for a while now. He exclaimed that once it is finalized they will reveal it with pride.
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