Saif Ali Khan’s mega budget film ‘Agent Vinod’ has been in the making since last two years. The film has been in news for all the wrong reasons from the time when the time it has hit the floor. It was reported that the film was delayed due to various reasons and was lagging behind the schedule. It was even said that the film was even hit by financial crisis. However Producer-Actor Saif cleared all such rumors.
“The film taking time to complete are the reports given by media. There were lots of rumors that the film is getting delayed, it's getting over the budget... everything was just a rumor. Films take time” said Saif. He further justified the delay, “The kind of action and locations that we have chosen, I have not seen in many movies. The film must have taken a longer time, but it does not matter as long as the product is interesting” exclaimed Saif.
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