Just recently Saif Ali Khan’s much awaited film ‘Agent Vinod’s theatrical trailer was released and we must say the wait is worth it. The film has been in the making since last two years and got delayed quite a few number of times for various reasons every single time. The film was supposed to release in December 2011 however they are now all set to hit the theatres on 23rd March 2012.
The first look of the film is razor sharp and Saif is a true winner who blows your heart
away with that edgy first look. The film’s first look will give you the feel of various international action series like ‘James Bond’ and ‘Mission Impossible’. Saif plays this super secret agent whose identity is not known to anyone. It has various chase and run sequences and in one such sequence where Saif Ali Khan is riding a heavy two wheeler with Kareena Kapoor on the pillion seat gives you the feel of Hollywood flick ‘Knight and Day’ where Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz too had a similar scene.
Also the snap shots of few dialogues remind us with various classic Bollywood characters like Anthony Gonsalves and Vinod Khanna as Saif hides his identity with these filmy names in the film.
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