There has been much hullabaloo over Shah Rukh Khan’s collaboration with highly acclaimed filmmaker Sanjay Leela Bhansali. Reports of the two working on some film have been raising the temperature like nothing else. And the latest addition to the gossip is that their mutual collaboration will be a remake of a South Indian film and will be an out an out action flick. The film will be reportedly directed by ‘Ghajini’ fame director AR Murugadoss and is based on the engaging issue of corruption.
The film will be a remake of Tamil film ‘Ramana’ that came in the year 2002. Director AR Murugadoss claimed that he and SRK have already had a talk over the film. The Tamil film has been remade twice, once in Telugu and second time in Kannada. Despite of the fact that Salman Khan has refused to follow the 3D trend promoted by SRK, Shahrukh it seems has no qualms in following his arch rival Salman’s trend of doing South Indian action film’s remakes. As they say ‘Everything is fair in love and war’.
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