Bollywood actress Lara Dutta gave birth to a baby girl. An overjoiced Mahesh Bhupathi released the news to the world.
“ITS A GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @DuttaLara. I Love u….” Mahesh Bhupathi tweeted on Friday afternoon.
Incidentally, before the baby’s birth Mahesh Bhupathi had expressed his wish to have a girl, even though Lara Dutta said that 90 percent of the predictions were that it would be a boy.
Lara Dutta and Mahesh Bhupathi got married in February last year. The news that Lara Dutta wass pregnant announced during late July and since then Lara Dutta has been spotted many a time with the baby bump.
Lara Dutta’s baby shower was held in December.
Even during the last trimester of her pregnancy, Lara kept herself busy with her Yoga DVD for pregnant women. Just three days back she was seen posing happily with Oprah Winfrey and Shahrukh Khan at the party hosted by Parmeshwar Godrej.
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