Actor Neha Dhupia is on seventh heaven after receiving applauds from film critics for her performance in her latest flick, 'Pappu Can't Dance Saala' where she has shared screen space with actor, Vinay Pathak. The former Femina Miss India who delivered bold performances in her last flicks - 'Qayamat', 'Julie' and 'Sheesha' is now happy that she had finally shed her 'Sex Symbol' image.
Neha boldly delivered intimate scenes with her several co-stars including actor Sanjay Kapoor, Sonu Sood. However she was tagged as a 'Sex Symbol'. Neha has now grown up as an actor in a very good way by delivering
good performances in Dasvidaniya, Mithya and the critically acclaimed film, 'Dear Friend Hitler'. The 31-year-old has explored herself by acting in different genres of films. Neha is currently working on her upcoming flicks one with Sonu Sood titled 'Maximum' and the other is 'Raftaar' opposite Emraan Hashmi.
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