IT searches on the houses of mahesh babu and offices of producers Venkata Phanindra Reddy, K. Narasimha Reddy two days ago is the sensational buzz in film circles. As per a report, these raids ended with Income Tax officials seizing a sum of Rs. 2.5 Crores from the above said two parties of Producers belonging to RR Movie Makers who are presently in the making of ‘Businessman.’
IT operations began at 8.30 AM on Thursday and concluded at 5AM on Friday at the seven premises (in Gachibowli and Jubilee Hills) belonging to producers were thoroughly searched. Complete remuneration details for entire cast of ‘Businessman’ are confiscated. IT officials unearthed the payment details for Rs.2 Crores towards the payment to Mahesh’s account as a part of remuneration from the producers premises while the team failed to retrieve any cash or documents for the same from actor’s residence.
Contrary to these, Mahesh is known to have denied of receiving any payment from RR Movie Makers run by Venkat or from anybody else over and above what was already stated in his I-T records. Department is now waiting to question Venkat on this claim by Mahesh. Venkat is away in New Delhi although his brother Suresh Reddy, film partner Narasimha Reddy (KNR Constructions) and few others from production team were interrogated by IT sleuths. Sources alleged that Rs.2 Crores amount had been credited to mahesh babu’s account while actor did not disclose the same in his annual returns.
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