Super Star Mahesh Babu who is working neck and crop for his upcoming film Businessman is planning a family vacation for 20 days. It is heard that the actor will leave to Singapore after wrapping up the shooting of Businessman and a Idea commercial shoot. The sources also say that Mahesh will be celebrating New Year this time with his family in Singapore itself. The actor is expected to return to Hyderabad by January 11 which happens to be the release date of Businessman. However, the trip will be only after the audio launch of Businessman.
The actor recently delivered a super hit with Dookudu and is very much occupied with his current projects. After returning from the vacation Mahesh will take part in the promotional campaign of Businessman and will join the sets of his new film Seethamma Vakitlo Sirimalle Chettu. The movie also has Venkatesh as another hero. Dil Raju is producing it on Venkateswara Creations banner and Srikanth Addala is the director.
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