Yash Raj’s latest offering ‘Ladies vs Ricky Bahl’ recently released after the heavy promotions and hype. The film brings back the team of the 2010 hit film ‘Band Baaja Baaraat’. The film is produced by the same banner, has the same lead and has ‘BBB’ director Maneesh Sharma helming it as well. However the one thing that has changed with ‘Ladies v/s Ricky Bahl’ is that this film has been rumored to be inspired from a not so famous Tamil film.
The film is reportedly ripped off from the Tamil film ‘Nan Avanillai 2’
that released in 2009. Both the films have uncanny comparisons as these films have similar plots of a conman meeting his perfect opponent. When the director Maneesh Sharma was asked to react on these allegations he was quick to make it clear that he hasn’t even seen the mentioned Tamil film. He further exclaimed now that the Hindi film has hit the screens he would leave the matter to the audience to decide over the fate of the issue.
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