Priyamani is acting as a main lead in the movie 'Kshetram' is gearing up for release in a few weeks. Earlier this movie was slated for release on December 16. But the post production work is taking some time as there are some C G work involved and hence it will take a while to hit the screens.
The latest reports says that 'Kshetram' release is confirmed on December 29. The audio of this film was released in the month of November,koti has composed the music. 'Kshetram' is shaping up under the direction of T.Venugopal and produced by G.Govindaraju on Sri Balaji Movie Makers banner.
Jagapathi Babu and 'Kick' Shaym are acting in important roles and Paruchuri Brothers penned the dialogues for this periodical backdrop film.
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