It was recently confirmed that Sonam Kapoor will share screen with her ‘Aisha’ co-star Abhay Deol in Raj Kumar Santoshi’s next flick. It was then assumed that Abhay and Sonam have shunned all the differences that rose post the debacle of the film ‘Aisha’. However Sonam recently revealed that the differences were never a part of her and Abhay’s relation as the rift was between Abhay and Anil Kapoor.
Sonam confessed, “Though Abhay had said something about my father (Anil Kapoor) which I didn’t like, but everything that
happened was between him and my dad”. And now that the air is clear over their camaraderie status Sonam Kapoor and Abhay will finally star opposite each other again minus any confusion and rift.
In the mean while Sonam will be gearing up for the release of ‘Players’ which releases on 6th January 2012 and also will pull up her socks to romance Farhan Akhtar in the biopic ‘Bhaag Milkha Bhaag’.
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