The film title bears the prominent city of northern Karnataka ‘Hubballi’ – ‘Hubballi Hudugaru’ is shooting in Bengaluru and even the film also went on the floors in Bengaluru at Sri Vinayaka Venkateshwara temple. Financier KV Nageshkumar and Devaraj switched on the camera and veteran actress Abhinaya Sharadhe Jayanthi sounded the clap board while Kichcha Sudeep directed the first shot for the film.
Director Raghujaya who was thrown out in the middle of ‘Rajadhani’ Kannada film is taking up this film for V Mahesh Story. Bangaradhagiri Productions Mahesh and Satish Kamate are the producers of ‘Hubballi Hudugaru’.
‘Hudugaru’ was super hit from Dr Rajakumar camp starred power star Puneeth Rajakumar, Srinagara Kitty and Yogish now in this ‘Hubballi Hudugaru’ there are four youths – Jugari Avinash who is Chiranth now, Pradeep, Vishwa and Mahesh. Harshika Poonachcha, Ashwini Rao, Sharat Lohitashva, Dharma, Swayamvara Chandru, Mico Nagaraj, Nagendra Urs, Yethiraj, Ramprasad and others are in supporting cast.
Jai Anand is the cameraman and Abhiman Roy is the music director for ‘HH’.
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