At the neck moment producer Dwarakish has made arrangements for the screening of the controversial title film ‘Only Vishnuvardhana’ to Dr Bharathi Vishnuvardhana.
Today evening at 6 pm Dr Bharathi Vishnuvardhana, Anirudh son in law of Dr Vishnuvardhana and others are watching the film at Abbainaidu Studio to give no objection certificate. The film ‘Only Vishnuvardhana’ is releasing tomorrow at 120 theatres all over Karnataka.
As agreed earlier at the Kannada Film Producers Association meeting, Dr Bharathi Vishnuvardhana laid down conditions for the release of ‘Vishnuvardhana’ cinema. It was also one of the conditions that film will be viewed well in advance by 10 persons to give the opinion. Based on this opinion Dr Bharathi Vishnuvardhana is to give final nod.
At the last minute the film screening is arranged in the presence of Rockline Venkatesh. How is it possible to incorporate the changes told by Dr Bharathi Vishnuvardhana and others?
According to sources it is the trick played by Dwarakish for the controversy created to the title. It is clever handling of things from Dwarakish indeed.
Top star Sudeep at the one and only media meet called related to this film told he would settle down all issues amicably. He is nowhere near the scene.
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