A few month ago producer Ravikumar lashed at the attitudes of actor Chetan of ‘Aa Dingalu’ for his interference in the project announced by Confident Group. Chetan is demanding huge for the opportunity given to him to direct a cinema was the complaint made by Ravikumar.
Chetan reading such remarks in the media has turned down it as baseless. Producer Ravikumar contacting me on behalf of Confident Group for film direction offered a meager budget. I understood at that time the attempt is to make a film for television rights amount of Rs.40 lakhs plus.
I am not for such meager budget and my thoughts demanded good budget. I had the subject ready but they backed out.
After making debut in 100 days run ‘Aa Dinagalu’ and working in a few films ‘Birugali and Suryakanthi’ my thinking process has increased and I built up my own style of cinema. I have done research work and coming from USA I have my own thoughts. Such thoughts cannot be limited in a small budget for silver screen stated Chetan when he met this correspondent at GM Rejoyz at the 4th Bengaluru International Film Festival.
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