A cheating case at Sadashivanagara Police station has been filed on Priyanka Vivek Oberoi and her mother Smt Nandini Alva.
The cheating case to the tune of Rs.75 lakhs has been filed by lawyer N Vinod who happens to be the legal advisor of the company that Smt Nandini Alva heads as director. The private case against the family comes up at the 4th ACMM. According to the advice made by the Sadashivanagar Police station in this case Smt Nandini Alva, Priyanka Vivek Oberoi manager Nilosar Hameed have to appear before the court in section 420, 406 and 120 B of IPC.
A brief history – ALV Projects headed by Nandini Alva the legal advisor fee to Vinod, Sampath and Ravi. The advice was sought with regard to the land affairs. Rs.75 lakh was the fee fixed for this legal formalities since 2007. ALV Projects was buying the land and selling it on a profit. In Bellandur, Hebbagodi and Kolar 6000 acres of land were purchased and sold to Sherlin Estate. The lands were registered in the name of Nandini Alva and then the formal sale deed was made.
There was an agreement to the effect of Rs.75 lakhs as fees. When the fee was demanded only Rs.30 lakh cheque was given and that bounced. Instead of clearing the issued cheque Nandini Alva filed a cheque lost complaint and Vinod team was held responsible. The case was taken to Bengaluru City Police Commissioner. Nothing happened so we went to Sadashivanagar Police station says Vinod.
The case filed by Nandini Alva on Vinod and Vinod filing the case on Nandini Alava are both handled at Sadashivanagara Police station.
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