CNN-IBN has nominated film maker turned actor Amole Gupte as the ‘Indian of The Year’. The screen writer as well as educationalist, Gupte has delivered Bollywood some of the most ground-breaking films. His latest flick, ‘Stanley Ka Dabba’ has touched lots of Indian’s hearts. The ‘Taare Zameen Par’ script-writer has been involved in with many charity works like helping the underprivileged children. He also works for leading NGO, Aseema which helps children.
Amole Gupte shot to fame after his remarkable script writing and directing for Aamir Khan’s ‘Taare Zameen Par’. His wife, Deepa Bhatia, too assisted him during the film. Gupte acted in films like Vishal Bharadwaj’s ‘Kaminey’, his self- directed film, ‘Stanley Ka Dabba’ and the most recent Mukul Deora’s ‘Bheja Fry 2’. Gupte has also bagged IIFA and Filmfare Awards for his most ambitious film, ‘Taare Zameen Par’.
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