India’s mega superstar Rajinikanth recently delighted Hindi Cinema goers after starring in a small cameo in Shah Rukh Khan’s magnum opus film ‘Ra.One’. And now the south Indian superstar Rajini is all set to collaborate with yet another ‘Khan’ superstar for a social cause. Apparently both the stars have been roped in by goverement for a social awareness advertisement that will be made and issued in public interest.
While Aamir Khan is known to be a marketing guru he never has any qualms in doing commercial advertisements as he himself is a brand ambassador for many brands. However that’s not the story with Rajinikanth as he prefers to stay away from the commercial world and seldom does any advertisement.
However as this one is being made in public interest and is based on social awareness, Rajini has apparently given the nod for this advertisement and hence we may soon see Aamir and Rajini share the same screen very soon.
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