Veteran film maker who is a strong pillar in Kannada cinema history is concerned KSL Swamy is ’37-73-37’! This is not the shape of his personality but a rare circumstance in his life.
Actor, director and producer KSL Swamee who is directing Sanskrit film ‘Chandra Prabhodayam’ now was 37 when he rendered the song for ‘Nagara Hole’ Kannada film – Ille Swarga Ille Naraka Melenilla Sullu Huutu Savu eradara madhye mooru dinadha Baalu…penned by Chi Udayashanker. Now at 73 years of age KSL Swamme (Ravee) has rendered it again after 37 years for ‘Pagal’ Kannada cinema starring Sathya and Pooja Gandhi. The voice of Swamee remains the same.
This song is very philosophical and changed the fortunes of many who attempted to end their life. In one of the cases which KSL Swamme explained relates to his waiting for a Bus at Sringeri. Seeing Swamee staring one person fell to his feet and said you song ‘Ille Swarga ….has changed his life. I was about to commit suicide but when I heard the song I changed my attitude said the middle age person who is working as a bureaucrat today in government department.
Swamme has rendered this song for ‘Pagal’ in music director V Manohar composition. According to Swamee the patience of Manohar is similar to yesteryears great music director Vijaybhasker.
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