As if the delayed schedule wasn’t enough, there is yet another major problem that has now hit Saif Ali Khan’s magnum opus film ‘Agent Vinod’ which has been in the making since quite some time now. Saif missed the unveiling ceremony of her girlfriend Kareena Kapoor’s wax statute just for the shooting schedule of his film that was carried out in the historic Kuldhara village near Jaisalmer. They modified a particular ancient site by coloring it and using different chemicals on the wall to give it the desired look. And this act attracted a lot of negative attention from the government who raised a concern over this act as they were not allowed to modify the heritage monument. The city police booked three crewmembers of the film after producer Saif apologized for the act. They will now have to face the penal action and will also have to pay a fine under Rajasthan Monuments, Archaeological Sites and Antiquities Act-1961 and Prevention of Damage to Public Property Act. Saif was unaware of this fact that they were not allowed to use the ancient place according to convenience, else they wouldn’t have dared to commit such act.
Saif is hugely upset as the constructed set was too expensive and a lot of time was spent on it as well. After this entire episode they will now not only have to search for another location but also invest the lost money and time again.
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