Bollywood Actress Mahie Gill, who is now working in Ram Gopal Varma’s controversial film Not A Love Story which release on August 19, 2011.
Mahie Gill talks about her controversial role in Not A Love Story, her work experience with Ram Gopal Varma, her discomfort in doing intimate scenes.
Mahie Gill said that,” I wanted to work with Ram Gopal Varma for a very long time and am fond of all his films right from Rangeela and Satya to Shiva. After Dev D Anurag told me that he'd like me to work with Ram Gopal Varma .
When I met Ramu sir in his office, he told me that he's making a film based on a true life incident. I felt it will be a very challenging character to play and when I came to know about the story then I was more eager to do it as I had followed the Maria Susairaj case closely since 2008.”
While asking about Ram Gopal Varma controversy, She replied that, “I believe a lot in destiny. I know he is a good filmmaker. People quite often misunderstand him. But what most of them don't know is that he's a very intelligent man. A lot of people also don't know that he is a very shy person”.
Mahie Gill added that she wish to work with Aamir Khan.
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