Bollywood’s highly acclaimed actress Kalki Koechlin has been attracting too much of attention with her each passing films. From ‘Dev D’ to Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara’ the fair-skinned actress has come a long way in terms of stardom. Her successful plunge from unconventional to commercial cinema has been the talk of the town. But what makes her stand apart from the other actresses in town is the fact that she has been honest with herself and the audience alike. She was quite vocal about her love relation with Anurag Kashyap and recently she opened up about a bad habit that she has finally got rid of. Kalki who many a times has been seen smoking on-screen in her films like ‘Dev D’ recently quoted that she had no qualms smoking on-screen. She revealed that there was no discomfort while doing the scenes as she has been a smoker in past. Kalki revealed that few years ago she had a bad habit of smoking but slowly and gradually she overcame her weakness and successfully dumped smoking.
But she revealed that her husband Anurag Kashyap still has to follow her suit as the acclaimed film-maker continues smoking despite of regular attempts to quit it.
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