Rajamouli’s graphical extravaganza, Eega is releasing in India on Friday morning. This film’s premiere shows have been screened in few areas which include Dubai and Chennai. The talk from these shows reads positive and that is adding to the hype. Eega’s mania has been sweeping across the state as well as other areas.
Critics who have seen Eega movie are giving positive reviews and this is a huge positive sign for the movie to have a blasting first weekend. Rajamouli has done so much hard work to make this Eega an iconic and path breaking film. Even though the film defies all the logics, it is thoroughly entertaining and will appeal to children, say reports.
Families and entertainment seeking audience will like Eega and others may say it is passable. The talk is not bad or negative and that is the biggest plus for a film releasing amidst so many expectations and hype. Check this space for detailed review on Eega in few hours.
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