Ram Charan's Bollywood debut movie Zanjeer shooting began on Friday in Mumbai. A bare chest fight is being shot on Charan. The movie is being made simultaneously in Telugu and Hindi. Charan will be shooting for this movie along with Yevadu and VV Vinayak movie.
Priyanka Chopra is pairing up with Ram Charan Teja in the movie.Shoot out at Lokhandwala fame Apoorva Lakhia is directing the movie. and Prakash Mehra is producing it.
Cast & Crew -
Ram Charan Teja to play Bachchan's character
Priyanka Chopra to play Jaya Bachchan's character
Prakash Raj to play Ajit's character
Mahie Gill to play Helen's character
Arjun Rampal to play Pran's character
Suresh Nair of Kahaani, Namastey London and Singh is Kinng fame is the screenplay writer
Javed Aejaz of Shootout at Lokhandwala, Mission Istanbul, The Dirty
Picture and Once Upon a Time in Mumbai fame is the action director
Gururaj Jois, who has done all of Apoorva Lakhia's films till date, is the DOP
Presented By www.Cinejwala.com
Chintu Singh of Mission Istanbul fame is editor
Chintan Gandhi of 99 and Shor in the city fame is dialogue writer
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