Priyanka Chopra go hand-in-hand. The alleged link-ups with co-stars Akshay Kumar, Harman Baweja ('Love Story 2050' fame) and Shahid Kapoor are the much-talked about rumors of the actress. And the latest entry in this list is superstar Shahrukh Khan and the tiff with his wife Gauri Khan.
Although Priyanka accepts that she used to take some of the silly rumours too seriously at the beginning of her career, now the actress claims she has mastered the art of dealing with such stuff. "Initially, I used to get affected with them and went on to explain that they are baseless. But after a point of time, I realised that what's that is being written and published doesn't matter. The only thing that counts is the opinion of my family and close friends," she said.
The pout lipped beauty has a bunch of films in hand at the moment. Teri Meri Kahaani with Shahid Kapoor, Barfi with Ranbir Kapoor, Krissh 3 with Hrithik Roshan and Zanjeer with Ram Charan are on the sets. Few more exciting projects are in the pipeline to keep her extremely busy for the next couple of years !
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