The maiden film from actress turned politician wife Smt Radhika Kumaraswamy ‘Lucky’ with Ramya, Yash and a Pug in the lead roles is progressing in the box office with over Rs.1.50 collection in the first week says the economic pundits of Gandhinagar.
Smt Radhika Kumaraswamy was not present to share the happiness of success at Chancery Pavilion on Wednesday night. She was down with fever. Actress Ramya with charming looks in a Saree with spread hair style conquered the major attention and Yash however pushing back his hair again and again remained another attraction. From the artist’s team of ‘Lucky’ only Ramya and Yash attended the get together. Director Dr Soori, music director Arjun Janya, writer Ghouse Peer and cameraman S Krishna attended the get together event.
Dr Soori debutant director explained many youths and family audiences have watched the film more than twice. The collection is very impressive in Northern Karnataka he said. Writer Ghouse Peer thanked for the good reviews and said he would correct his mistakes highlighted.
The film has a small story but told in screenplay. I have good attention for my camera work stated state award winning cameraman S Krishna.
The charmer of Leap year day February 29 Ramya looked very gorgeous like how she looked on the screen. She was in Saree for the media address at Chancery Pavilion. She wished Radhika good luck and wants her to do more films. I have seen the film in Sagar theatre. On twitter and face book fans have appreciated this film. There was rick in doing this film and it needs more push in the box office felt Ramya.
Actor Yash thanked first his fans and said the audio was hit in a small time. The pair of I and Ramya have been liked. There was lot of effort in doing this film and require more encouragement stated Yash.
Arjun Janya gaining good ground from film to film music said success parties are rare off late in Kannada cinema industry. One such belonging to ‘Lucky’, I am very lucky he said.
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