In the days of no market for audio – told by all the audio houses in Karnataka – here is good news of ‘Krantiveera Sangolli Rayanna’ historical film audio sold for Rs.65 lakhs. The top stars films are not fetching Rs.20 lakhs nowadays. This historical film sold for Rs.65 lakhs is a happy news for producer Anand Appugol, director Naganna and writer Keshava Aditya.
While there is good news on the audio front the film made at a budget of over Rs.25 crores is in very much demand for television right. The producer Anand Appugol is expecting anything in the range of Rs.5 to Rs.6 crores.
Meanwhile there is some confusion in the team of this historical film starring Darshan, Nikitha Tukral, Dr Jayaprada and 30 other well known artists film ‘Krantiveera Sangolli Rayanna’.
The length of the film has come to roughly 3 hours. Six songs in the film occupy five to six minutes for each song. With so much of abundant stock the further reduction on the editing table is becoming a daunting task for director Naganna and his team.
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