Gali Janardhan Reddy, the prime accused in the Obulapuram illegal mining scam, is shifted to Bangalore successfully. But, before going to the garden-city, Gali filed a petition with Nampally court now extended his 'screenplay' to support it.
Even after spending a comfortable time in prison, Gali haven't lost interest on his riches at least the luxuries he had comforted while running the 'mine mafia'. He had filed a petition that he wants to travel by a helicopter to Bangalore and is ready to bear all the expenses for that. Though the court didn't ruled out the option, they have asked CBI to take a decision on it. After reaching Bangalore, Gali immediately complained of a severe back pain before getting admitted to a hospital.
A travel of 600km all the way from Hyderabad to Bangalore is showed as a culprit for his sickness. This clearly shows that Gali is making the foundations for his helicopter ride strong. However, the CBI sleuths ruled out the option of chopper and stated that rules permit them to take Gali only by road
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