Bollywood actor Tusshar Kapoor has successfully accomplished his task by inviting yesteryear on-screen couple Rishi Kapoor and Sri Devi for the music launch of his forthcoming flick 'Chaar Din Ki Chandni'. Tusshar's movie's title is inspired by Yash Chopra’s 1989 classic hit flick 'Chandni' that featured Rishi and Sri Devi in the lead. Apparently, filmmaker Samir Karnik has also remixed the title track of the film for his upcoming directorial venture. The film also features Kulraj Randhawa.
It appears that Tusshar was keen on inviting the veteran onscreen couple to attend his film's music launch which the actors readily accepted.
Tusshar claims to be a huge fan of the couple and their classic film. Tusshar even admitted that he is paying homage to the yesteryear couple through his upcoming flick. The film also features Chandrachur Singh, Anupam Kher and Om Puri in supporting roles.
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