Excitement is gradually increasing towards Rajinikanth's daughter Saundarya’s directorial debut 'Kochadaiyaan' which is apparently termed as the most awaited films of year 2012. The film which features South superstar Rajinikanth and Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone is apparently prequel to the duo actors shelved project 'Rana'. The film is supposed to be shot with
performance capturing technology that was earlier used in Hollywood projects like 'Avatar' and 'Tin Tin'.
The film is being co-produced by Eros International and Media one Global Entertainment Limited and is a 3D sci-fi project. The film which went on floors two weeks before is about to hit the theatres by August 2012. Meanwhile, Rajini is working hard on his physique which is evident through the posters of his forthcoming flick.
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