Actor, producer, director and cultural wing leader of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party Madan Patel has sent across a letter on the status of writ petition he filed before the High Court of Karnataka against Central Board of Film Certification, Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce and Nityananda Swamy with regard to the release of ‘Satyananda’ Kannada cinema.
Here is what the High Court summons to four respondents says:
1. This is to bring to your kind notice that my Client Mr. Madhan Patel the Producer & Director of the Kannada Feature Film titled “Sathyananda” has filed Writ Petitions (WP/44715/2011 & 47621-47623/2011 before Hon’ble High Court of Karnataka at Bangalore seeking appropriate relief/s against Central Board of Film Certification, Regional Officer CBFC, The Karnataka Film Chamber of Commerce and Sri Nithyanandaswamy, Bidadi, in lieu of releasing his film against unprecedented notices and stealth/illegal activities of the Respondents hindering in release of his feature film by the Respondents.
2. The Hon’ble High Court after hearing the matter on 09-02-2012 have ordered emergent notice to all the 4 Respondents and have also issued hand summons and have ordered to appear all the Respondents within 5 days before the Hon’ble Court in order to show cause why rule nisi should not be issued and the said Writ Petitions will be decided on merits consequently.
3. Copy of the Court Notice is also scanned and annexed to this letter for your kind perusal. This is for your kind information in order to brief the general public.
Regards / M.V. Sridhar Chakravarthi, Advocate for Sri. Madhan Patel, the Petitioner.
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