Since last three years much has been said and heard about Shah Rukh Khan’s equation with his once best friend Farah Khan that had gone kaput for a film. This turmoil was further enhanced when Shah Rukh had an explicit spat with Farah Khan’s hubby Shirish Kunder. Nonetheless when Farah’s brother Sajid Khan made two warring families to patch up, the relationship between Farah and SRK too reportedly bounced back on the tracks. Sajid at the time of reconciliation had claimed that all the misunderstanding were cleared between Farah and Shah Rukh who are now back together for good.
Farah too recently proved her brother’s claim that all was well between them. The choreographer turned filmmaker Farah recently dropped at Shah Rukh Khan’s residence ‘Mannat’ just to exchange pleasantries with the Khan family. Though Shah Rukh was not present at Mannat when Farah visited there but yet she made sure that she spent some quality time with SRK’s better half Gauri Khan and his kids.
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