Producer M Rajeswari Viraktamath maiden venture starring her son Abhay as hero in ‘Saniha’ in the banner of Sri Chowdeshwari Devi Combines has obtained the ‘U/A’ certificate from the regional censor board recently. ‘Saniha’ with two heroines Divya Sridhar and Bimbica is based on a happening in 1992 in Davanagere for which director Mahesh Chinmayi has added other elements. It is a tragic love story he reveals and says it has many more turns and twists in the narration.
Viraktamath is a high grade Lime stones mine and Dolomite (Magnesium) owner in the last 25 years runs Mallikarjun Minerals, Chowdeshwari Minerals and Omkar Minerals and also a hotelier running Hotel Shiva Sagar that is a bar and restaurant on Bagalkot Road.
Actor Abhay a graduate in commerce got trained in Star Creators and two others in acting, learnt dance and strengthened with action ability.
Mahesh Chinmayi is the director making debut from this film. H Rames is cameraman and AM Neel is the music director. Thriller Manju stunts and PR Sounder Raj editing, Five Star Ganesh, Kapil, Nanda are choreographers part of the film.
Shobaraj, Chitra Shenoy, Harish Rai, Ninasam Ashwath, Raju Thalikote, Premalatha are in the cast.
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