Mass Maharaja Raviteja's new movie 'Devudu Chesina Manushulu' under the direction of Puri Jagannath was launched with a formal pooja ceremony and Muhoorth at Puri Jagannath office in Hyderabad on Feb 17th. VV Vinayak, BVSN Prasad, Raghu Kunche, Shaym K Naidu, Subbaraju and other crew members attended this event.
Iliyana is penciled into do the female lead in this film. Director VV Vinayak gave the first clap for the first shot that was shot on Ravi Teja. Bogavalli Bapineedu switched on the camera. BVSN Prasad is producing this movie on Venkateswara Cine Chitra banner and Reliance Media Entertainers presenting it. This is touted to be full length entertainer. Raghu Kunche is the music composer of this movie. Shyam K Naidu will handle the camera for this movie.
Regular shooting of the movie will commence from March 2. Prakash Raj, Brahmanandam, Ali, MS Narayana, Subbaraju, Jyoti Rana and others are casting in this film.
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