It is pretty much evident that filmmaker Karan Johar is currently in awe of Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor as he lately addressed the 29-year-old as his Dharma Productions’ in-house actor. Lately, the ace filmmaker even called her his lucky mascot after their film 'Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu' garnered positive response at Box-office.
Speculations were rife that Bebo was keen on donning the director's hat for Karan's Dharma Productions. However, the
filmmaker has recently laughed out at the rumors saying that he is not planning to rope in Bebo for direction; instead he is happy with her actor's job.
Meanwhile, Kjo has confirmed the news that he would be making at least one film with the 'Jab We Met' every year. Currently, the filmmaker is initiating talks with Imran Khan and Kareena to feature in a romcom with whom he lastly delivered a super hit flick, EMAET.
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