Buzz is that filmmaker Rajkumar Santoshi made a surprise visit to the Bachchan residence and demanded the amount which he had earlier granted to the actors Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Abhishek Bachchan for acting in his project 'Ladies and Gentlemen'. The film was announced and script was even locked but when Ash's pregnancy new broke out Santoshi's project was left shelved.
Ash had earlier announced that she is on a sabbatical at least for a year to take special care of her new born baby. However, that's the reason Santoshi didn't even approach the former Miss World twice for the money and made his mind to sign someone else, Meanwhile, he has also dropped the plans of casting Abhishek as the male lead. A cheque amounting up to Rs. 25 lakhs was given back to Santoshi by the starry couple.
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