Speculations were rife that filmmaker, actor Farhan Akhtar who had earlier worked with three Khans of Bollywood including Saif Ali Khan, Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan is now going to work with Salman Khan. The goss became more spicy when the actor and filmmaker were seen indulging in a private chat at Salman Khan's birthday bash in December. Even Farhan had a word with his co-producer Ritesh Sidhwani of Excel Entertainment to cast the
47-year-old actor. However, now the recent development to this story is that the filmmaker duo has now dismissed the reports of approaching Salman for any film. However, Farhan asserted that he is looking forward to work with the actor in near future but currently he does not have a script locked for the actor. Talks are initiated for Farhan's most ambitious project 'Rock On 2' that is sequel to his critically acclaimed film.
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