Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone with an ease has admitted that she has high regards for filmmaker Ramesh Taurani who has put allegations on the actor for her Unprofessional behavior. The filmmaker apparently has sued the actor for walking out his most ambitious project 'Race 2' without any prior confrontation. Taurani even stated that in his twenty five year old career, not a single actor has shown starry tantrums. Defending herself the 25-year-old actor revealed that the film has already been delayed for one and a half year and she has been arranging all her dates accordingly.
Deepika even admitted that she can even now be the part of film but she has now already committed those dates to some other filmmaker. Deepika stated that she opted out of the film just because she was not able to juggle her film's dates and admits that was the sole reason for her action.
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