Bolly hottie Kareena Kapoor has apparently denied rumors of getting engaged to actor-beau Saif Ali Khan on February 10. Earlier, speculations were rife that Bebo and Saif are planning to get engaged on February 10. However neither one of the couple came forward to confirm the news. Now Bebo has come out to clear and shun out the rumors of her engagement.
Bebo in her recent media interaction admitted that she is very much busy promoting her forthcoming flicks 'Ek Main
Aur Ekk Tu' opposite Imran Khan and 'Agent Vinod' opposite Saif Ali Khan. Kareena is very much occupied now and claims that she does not have any time for the 'M' word or even the engagement ceremony. Even, Saif confronted lately to media that even he is not planning to get engaged with Bebo before his most ambitious production venture 'Agent Vinod' hits silver screens.
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