For the third time challenging star Darshan and Rebel star Ambarish of over 200 films are joining together. After becoming the challenging star Darshan is playing son to his senior actor Ambarish. Previous two occasions Darshan in ‘Devara Maga’ (that also starred Shivarajakumar in lead) and ‘Annavru’ the success rate of Darshan was not high.
Darshan has invited Ambarish for his home banner film and Ambarish shared good screen space with Darshan father Toogudeepa Srinivas in the past.
‘Bul Bul’ has connection to Ambarish because teasing Arathi in ‘Nagarahavu’ his debut – En Bul Bul…Mathadakkilva…Ambarish and Vishnuvardhana (also making debut in doyen of Kannada cinema SR Puttanna Kanagal cinema in 1970’s) fight and it is shot on a cycle with two actors.
How can Darshan forget Ambarish with such a title for his home production film?
Meanwhile ‘Bul Bul’ is going on the floor on Darshan birthday February 16. Dinakar Toogudeepa, director MD Sridhar, music director V Harikrishna, cameraman Krishna Kumar, lyricist Kaviraj are benefactors from this film.
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