King Nagarjuna has been repeatedly saying that his youngest son akkineni akhil is still to grown in age to debut as an actor. Now, Akhil too shared the same feeling to few of media members although he failed to confirm a final berth for Telugu Warriors in CCL. Falling for a run out at the semi final match, Akhil is a sportive player as he enjoyed each and every moment of the match. Being flown down from America to take part in the event Akhil said, ‘I enjoy Cricket but I am not a
professional player. I am interested in acting and movies are very close to my heart. It would be a waste of opportunity if I don’t take acting as my career because I am blessed to born in a family of actors. For now, my concentration is to complete BBA degree course and then films.’
Let us see, when will Nagarjuna fix a time for entry of his cute into films?!!!
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