Bollywood veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan's niece Naina Bachchan and actor Kunal Kapoor are hitting the rumor mills by their on-going affair for a long period now. The rumored couple, who met each other at a theatre workshop, got along well and is in constant touch with each other.
Speculations were also rife that Neha even expressed her insecurities towards her man
Kunal, as Kunal was getting extremely close to his forthcoming flick 'Luv Shuv Tey Chicken Khurana' co-star Huma Qureshi during the shooting of their film.
Reports suggested that Naina even warned Kunal to maintain distance with Huma. However, Kunal in his recent media interaction revealed that he considers Naina as most important person in his life. The 'Rang De Basanti' actor further added that he loves to stay in company of Naina. Well, though indirectly, somehow Kunal has at least revealed the mystery of Naina and his relationship.
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