Lovely Rocking Star Aadi starer 'Lovely' under B.Jaya direction shooting has been done at Turkey, where 2 songs were canned in the scenic locations like Istanbul, Ajmer and Kapodia. Now, the movie unit has returned to Hyderabad. Regarding this the movie unit arranged a press meet at prasad labs, yesterday.
B.A Raju, B. Jaya, Aadi, K.Achhi Reddy, Baba Bhaskar nad others were graced at the meet. On this occasion hero and other crew members shared there hard experiences of unfavorable conditions in
turkey while shooting. They mentioned that the out put of the two songs is outstanding and those are the highlights of the movie. They are planning to release the songs soon.
Shanvi is debuting as the female lead in the movie. Anoop Rubens composed music for this film. B.A. Raju is producing this film and RR Movie Makers is presenting it.
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