Choreographer turned actor Farah Khan who is all ready to mark her acting debut opposite Boman Irani through Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s forthcoming flick ‘Shirin Farhad Ki Nikal Padi’ is in awe of her co-star Boman. In her recent media interaction, Farah revealed that Boman is a brilliant actor and guided her well from the very first day of their shooting. She later added that Boman is her acting coach. Meanwhile Boman reverted back saying that Farah did not need any acting classes, she learns everything quickly and is a very good entertainer.
Farah and Boman are essaying the role of a middle-aged Parsi couple in Bhansali’s next. Reportedly, Farah is also on a strict diet regime to shed extra kilos for her role. Farah would also be showing her dancing skills in her upcoming movie and certainly has demanded filmmaker Bhansali to arrange some other choreographer who will guide her. The film has already gone on floors and about to release by this year-end.
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