The award show season has hit the nation with full throttle and every Bollywood star is raking in huge moolah by performing for a few minutes on stage. While Shah Rukh is cashing in the trend by hosting almost all the award ceremonies, stars like Katrina Kaif and Vidya Balan are getting fat pay cheques by performing on their respective hits like Chikni Chameli and Oh la la. However actresses like Anushka Sharma and Ameesha Patel too are not far behind in the race.
Though Anushka is currently very active as an actress and has quite a few musical hit chartbusters to her credit it was surprising to see Ameesha perform on stage after being out of the circuit since last few years. The two performed to hit numbers from various films. But its note worthy to bring it to your observation that Ameesha performed on raunchy hits like ‘Chikni Chameli’, ‘Madhubala’ and ‘Oh la la’ while Anushka grooved to her hit tracks along with some bigwigs of television industry.
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